If you are interested in learning how to play the popular card game Roullete, this article will help you out. This game originated in France and may have been derived from the Italian Biribi. Nowadays, it is played in clubs, casinos, and even online! If you have never played Roullete before, this article will introduce you to the game and its history. We will also go over some of the rules for beginners, and why it’s so popular.
Voisins du Zero
You may be wondering how to win at Voisins du Zero. This is a type of roulette bet in which you bet on the seventeen numbers that surround Zero. These numbers range from zero to twenty-two. You need to bet nine chips on Voisins du Zero to win, and two chips on the corner bets of twenty-three and twenty-four. A second kind of Voisins bet is the Tier, which involves betting on the numbers on the third of the wheel opposite to the 0 and stretches from thirteen to twenty-seven.
As with other types of roulette bets, Voisins du Zero is made with 9 chips of equal denominations. Two chips are placed on the 0, 2, and 3 trio, while a single chip is placed on the four-seven split, twelve-and-a-half, and eighteen-and-twenty-one split. Two chips are also placed on the corner of 25, 26, and 29, as well as any other number on the roulette wheel. Like with the other Roulette bets, you must announce your Voisins du Zero bet in a specific way.
Voisins du Cylinder
The Voisins du Zero bet covers the first seventeen numbers on the wheel, from zero to twenty-two. The remaining fourteen numbers are covered by seven chips. If the ball falls on the number 0, you’ll win fifteen chips net. If the ball falls on another number, you’ll win nine chips net. The Tiers du Cylinder bet covers the remaining twelve numbers on the wheel, from twenty-seven to thirty-three. This bet pays 2:1.
This bet strategy increases your chances of winning when you place multiple chips on two or three regions of the wheel. Unlike other bets, Voisins du Cylinder requires a large number of betting units. You can bet on either red or black, or you can place your bet on dozens of numbers on the table or columns. Voisins du Cylinder is best suited for players who prefer a higher house edge and have a large bankroll.
Tiers du Cylinder
The Tiers du Cylinder bet covers the entire opposite section of the roulette wheel – about one-third of it. In this game, you place 6 chips per split, covering all 12 numbers in the opposite corner of the wheel. The payout for this bet is a maximum of 17:1. In addition to tiers du cylinder bets, you can also place a bet on the orphelins, which cover the remaining 8 numbers on the wheel.